After High School, I tried college but just wasn't ready. I joined the Navy in 1964 and after boot camp, I went through the Naval School of Photography. I was stationed in Washington D.C. for my entire tour. During this time I proposed to the love of my life, Cristine Sanders from Rochester Indiana and we lived in D.C. where our first child, Sandra was born. At the end of my tour, we came back to Warsaw where I worked with my father at the Warsaw Office Supply. In 1972, my brother and I purchased the company and began the expansion that lasted until 1978 when I sold my interest and maintained the Goshen Office Supply until it's sale in 1984. At this time we moved to Fort Myers Florida where I started the Fort Myers Office Supply until it's sale in 1989. I worked for the company that purchased my company until 1993 which I decided to move to CookevilleTennessee where we have lived for the past 19 years. I decided to Join the Kellogg Company in 2005 until my full retirement in May 2012. Cristine and I have been married for 47 years and are looking forward to traveling and seeing our grand children. My life has been full and pretty darn good.